If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
The Dalai Lama
Am I A Tiger? Book Launch
The sun came through for my book launch in Sydney on Saturday, 22 October 2022
It turned out to be a wonderful day at Wahroonga Park for the launch of my book, " AM I A TIGER?" with the sun making a welcome appearance for the little water tiger cub's debut.
My sincere thanks to the Hon. Paul Fletcher, Federal Member for Bradfield for launching the book, and to councillor, Barbara Ward, Deputy Mayor of Gordon, for supporting the event. Deep appreciation to Jo Coffey, proprietor of Novella Bookstore for her support.
My gratitude to my family, especially to Lynne, Matthew and Nicholas who read and acted out the book beautifully. Thanks to my wonderful team who helped me to plan and manage the launch, and to everyone who supported the event and make the day really special for me and water tiger cub.
It was a really successful book launch. I was pleased to sign books for many wonderful readers of all ages and to include their own zodiac animal signs in the book with water tiger cub's own customised stamp.
Meet the Author | Book Signing at Wahroonga Christmas Village Fair 2022
On Sunday, 4 December 2022, the Wahroonga Christmas village fair resumed, after 2 years of Covid restrictions. It was wonderful to experience the festive atmosphere and the beautiful Christmas wares.
I enjoyed the "Meet the author" and " Book signing" arranged by Novella Fine bookstore at the fair. I am grateful for the wonderful support I received with lots of people wanting to know more about Am I A Tiger? and buying them for family and friends as Christmas presents. Everyone asked to include their own zodiac animal sign in the book.
I met a lot of people born in different years including tiger, dragon, rabbit etc - the rabbit being the next zodiac animal book that I am writing in the Lunar New Year Animal Mindful Adventure series for kids.
Many people are looking forward to reading the rabbit book.
Everyone loved getting the book stamped with a personally written dedication
Meet the Author | Book Signing at Berkelouw Books & Cafe 2023
I had a lovely day at the "Meet & Greet" event at Berkelouw Books on 14th January 2023. The windows and shop were beautifully dressed with many interesting Lunar New Year elements. There was a lovely, meditative sense of greeting the incoming water rabbit, and a gentle farewelling of water tiger.
Water tiger cub and I enjoyed meeting so many lovely people--parents, kids and enthusiastic readers browsing our book, and purchasing signed copies with their zodiac animal signs inscribed for family members and friends.
Thank you for your support. Happy Lunar New Year 2023
Red Water Tiger Cub socks
With our final "Author Meet" & "Book signing" for the tiger year at Berkelouw Books & Cafe on Sat, 14 Jan 2023, water tiger cub & I would like to reflect on some wonderful happenings and lovely stories from our book signing events:
WARMEST CONGRATULATIONS to Ms Michelle Yeoh who generously endorsed our book-"a heart-warming introduction to positive values of mindfulness, gratitude, love and compassion—on being named BEST ACTRESS at the ACADEMY AWARDS, 2023, for her latest movie, "EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL AT ONCE." Michelle is also a water tiger. As fellow tigers, water tiger cub and I are absolutely thrilled for her — a charming actress and a charming book — a cool combination!!
A lovely young couple who bought the book explained that their baby son, was born in the year of the tiger with a "hole in the heart." We gave the baby a pair of the red socks which tiger cub wore in the book - for luck. The parents were touched.
Another couple who bought the book shared that their young son has some intellectual and physical disabilities. Water tiger cub and I gave them a pair of the red socks. I suggested that when their sons feels a bit sad, for him to put on the socks, and remember how tiger cub transcended his difficulties. The mother was so touched, she teared up.
A ten-year old boy asked his parents to buy 3 copies of the book because he wanted to gift them to his friends, whom he said would enjoy the story too- such generosity & thoughtfulness!
A young man bought the book for his girlfriend who is born in the year of the tiger. He explained that he is planning to propose to her, and hope water tiger cub will help him to win her over. I said that the little Tiger book is charmed. She will say yes! So if you see a young man kneeling down with the tiger cub book proposing to a beautiful lady, cheer them on!
There are many, many more beautiful stories which resulted from people coming in touch with this charming & charmed book. I believe that the positive messages and values promoted in the book resonate with so many people because the book carries a universal and humane appeal.
We thank everyone who have supported us in so many ways, at the book launch, book signing, and purchasing our book. We look forward to meeting you soon when tiger cub introduces his friend, the water rabbit.
With a deep bow of appreciation
Belinda Khong & Water Tiger Cub
Author Meet and Book Signing at Novella Fine Bookshop- 8 April 2023.
The book signing at Novella bookshop in Wahroonga on 8 April 2023 was a lovely event. Many people were delighted at Michelle Yeoh winning the best actress 2022, and for endorsing my book.
I met many old and new friends who bought signed copies of the book. As with all the book signing events, I was touched by the many stories that the buyers shared with me about why they bought the books. One very nice lady bought 4 copies--3 for her grandchildren, and one for herself to read with them when they visit😊. I was equally delighted to learn that many medical professionals bought the book to share with their family and patients.
Berkelouw – Meet the author & Book Signing – 13 May 2023
It was great to be invited to Berkelouw Bookshop to sign books again. I chatted with a lot of interesting people and am delighted that many people bought signed copies. I met many lovely children including twins whose parents asked for their animal signs to be included in the books. Some of the children wanted their parents’ animal signs to be included too. A sweet touch! It was lovely to learn how many people are interested and want to learn more about the Chinese Zodiac calendar and Chinese culture.
One psychology student from Macquarie University bought the book for his little brother who was born in the year of the water tiger. He said that he had read about the tiger book on the internet and wanted to give it to his brother as a keepsake. Such a thoughtful big brother😊. Water tiger cub and I gave him a pair of red socks as a birthday gift for his little brother. Another gentleman bought the book for his mother-in-law because she likes tigers. Really touching to see how the little tiger book evokes the most heartfelt emotions from all people of different ages.