We pay attention to brain development, but the development of warmheartedness we take for granted.
The Dalai Lama
Selected Publications
Khong, B.S.L (2024). Dragon and Friends’ Mindful Adventures: The Great Race again! Phoenix Tiger Press.
Khong, B.S.L (2023). Water Rabbit’s Mindful Adventures: The great race of animals and human friends. Phoenix Tiger Press.
(2023, March, 13) Book Review of “AM I A TIGER: A mindful water tiger cub’s journey of love, friendship and self-discovery by Seth Zuiho Segall. In The Humanistic Psychologist (online first publication). https://dx.doi/10.1037/hum0000321. Read now on Review of Am I a Tiger…? A Mindful Water Tiger Cub’s Journey of Love, Friendship, and Self-Discovery. (apa.org)
Khong, B.S.L (2022). "AM I A TIGER?": A mindful water tiger cub's journey of love, friendship, and self-discovery. Phoenix Tiger Press.
Khong, B.S.L (2021). Editor's Introduction: Revisiting and Re-envisioning Mindfulness: Buddhist & Contemporary Perspectives. In Khong, B.S.L & Segall, S.Z (Eds). Special Double Issue: Revisiting and Re-envisioning Mindfulness: Buddhist and Contemporary Perspectives. The Humanistic Psychologist, 49 (1),3-18.
📖 Read now on APA PsycNet | 📚 Read now on researchgate.netKhong, B.S.L (2021). Walking with Buddha: Are we there yet? In Khong, B.S.L & Segall, S.Z (Eds). Special Double Issue: Revisiting and Re-envisioning Mindfulness: Buddhist and Contemporary Perspectives. The Humanistic Psychologist, 49 (1), 19-39. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
Pemaratana & Khong (2021). Understanding Mindfulness in Traditional and Contemporary Settings: A Conversation with Bhante Pemaratana. In Khong, B.S.L & Segall, S.Z (Eds). Special Double Issue: Revisiting and Re-envisioning Mindfulness: Buddhist and Contemporary Perspectives. The Humanistic Psychologist, 49 (1), 111-121. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
Khong, B.S.L (2019). Dare we talk about responsibility in the same breath as rights and compassion? The Humanistic Psychologist. 47 (1), 15-25.
📖 Read now on APA PsycNet | 📚 Read now on researchgate.netKhong, B.S.L. (2017). Coroner's Inquest into an Australian Television Anchorwoman's Suicide: Implications for Clinical Practice and Suicide Prevention. The Humanistic Psychologist , 45 (1), 23-48. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
Khong, B.S.L. (2016). "Should We Tell?" Living a Good Life in the Shadow of Cancer: A Personal Reflection. Hakomi Forum, 28-29,25-42. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
Bindeman, S.L; Khong, B.S.L; Churchill, S.D; Hersch, E.L; MacIlwain, D; & Sundararajan, L.K.W (2014-2015). Medard Boss's Dialogue with Heidegger, Freud, Sartre, Buddha, and Jung: On Being Authentic. Hakomi Forum, 27, 3-11. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
Khong, B.S.L & Churchill, S.D. (2013). Introduction to the Special Section. In B.S.L Khong & S.D. Churchill (Eds.) Special Section: Bringing Heidegger Home: A Journey Through the Lived Worlds of Psychologists & Philosophers. The Humanistic Psychologist, 41(3), 201-203.
Khong, B.S.L (2013). Being a therapist: Contributions of Heidegger's Philosophy and the Buddha's Teachings to Psychotherapy. In B.S.L Khong & S. D. Churchill (Eds.) Special Section: Bringing Heidegger Home: A Journey Through the Lived Worlds of Psychologists & Philosophers. The Humanistic Psychologist, 41(3), 231-246.
📚 Read now on researchgate.netKhong, B.S.L. (2013). Mindfulness: A Way of Cultivating Deep Respect for Emotions. Hakomi Forum (2013-2014) 26, 31-37 (Reprint from Mindfulness, 2011)
📚 Read now on researchgate.netMonshat, K; Khong, B.S.L; Hassed, C; Vella-Brodrick, D; Norrish, J; Burns, J & Herrman, H (2013). "A Conscious Control Over Life and My Emotions:" Mindfulness Practice and Healthy Young People: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52, 572-577. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
Bindeman, S.L; Khong, B.S.L; Churchill, S.D; Hersch, E.L; & Sundararajan, L.K.W (2011). Dialogue with Boss, Heidegger, Freud, Sartre, and Buddha: On Being Human. Hakomi Forum, 23-24, 35-45. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
Khong, B.S.L. (2011). Mindfulness: A Way of Cultivating Deep Respect for Emotions. Mindfulness, 2(1), 27-32.
Khong, B.S.L & Mruk, C.J. (2009). Editors' Introduction to Mindfulness in Psychology. In B.S.L. Khong & C. J. Mruk (Eds.). Mindfulness in Psychology (Special Issue). The Humanistic Psychologist, 37(2), 109-116. American Psychological Association.
Khong, B.S.L. (2009). Expanding the Understanding of Mindfulness: Seeing the Tree and the Forest. In B.S.L. Khong & C. J. Mruk (Eds.). Mindfulness in Psychology (Special Issue). The Humanistic Psychologist, 37(2), 117-13 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
(Summer 2007). The Buddha's Influence in The Therapy Room. Hakomi Forum,18, 11-18.
(2006). Augmenting Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Buddhist Psychology. In M.G.T. Kwee., K.J.Gergen & F.Koshikawa (Eds.). Horizons in Buddhist Psychology: Practice, Research & Theory. Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Taos Publication. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
(2006). Personal Growth in and beyond Therapy. Constructivism in the Human Sciences, 11(1&2). 6-19. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
(2006). Putting the "P's" Back in Psychology: Philosophy, Personal Growth. Counseling et spiritualite and Spirituality: The Body (25th Anniversary issue), 25 (2),67-84.
(Summer 2005). Minding the Mind’s Business. Hakomi Forum,14-15, 33-42 (Reprint from The Humanistic Psychologist, 2004)
(2004). Minding the Mind's Business. The Humanistic Psychologist, 32(3), 257-283. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
(2003). Buddhism and psychotherapy: Experiencing and releasing dis-ease. Constructivism in the Human Sciences, 8(2), 37-56.
(2003). Role of responsibility in Daseinsanalysis and Buddhism. In C.P.Bankart., K.H.Dockett & G.R.Dudley-Grant (Eds.). Psychology and Buddhism: From individual to global Community. Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
(2003). The Buddha teaches an attitude not an affiliation. In S.R.Segall (Ed.). Encountering Buddhism: Western psychology and Buddhist teachings. New York. SUNY Press. 📚 Read now on researchgate.net
(2003). Buddha, Being and the Black Forest. The Humanistic Psychologist, 31(4), 97-111.
Khong, B. S. L. & Thompson, N. L. (1997). Jung and Taoism: A comparative analysis of Jung's psychology and Taoist philosophy. Harvest: Journal for Jungian Studies, 43(2), 86-105.
Paper Presentations
Would the Buddha Recognise his Teachings today? Misconceptions and Cultivating Right Understanding. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Denver, 2016.
Dare We Talk about Responsibility in the Same Breath as Rights and Compassion: Another Perspective. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver 2016.
Therapy as a Healing Process: Being a Mindful Therapist. Bond University Mindfulness, Resilience Wellness Centre. Queensland, 2015
Responsibility, Rights and Compassion: Another Perspective. Australian & New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law (ANZAPPL) 34th Annual Congress. Sydney, 2014.
Personal Reflections on a Coroner's Inquest on Client's suicide. DR and Psychology 1st International Conference and 2nd Biennial Conference. Sydney, 2014.
Reflections on the Coroner's Inquest on Client's suicide: Implications for psychologists & Practice. APS Mackay Branch, Queensland, 2014
Mindfulness and Therapy: Paper presented at Mindfulness, Science and Practice: An International Conference. Melbourne. 2013.
Being a therapist: Contributions of Heidegger's philosophy and the Buddha's teachings to psychotherapy. Paper presented in S.D. Churchill & B.S.L Khong (Chairs) Brining Heidegger Home: A Journey through the lived worlds of psychologists and philosophers. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association 120th Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida. 2012.
Mindfulness: A Way of Cultivating Deep Respect for Emotions. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 118th Annual Convention. San Diego. California. 2010.
Mindfulness: A Practical Tool for a Happier Life. Happiness and Its Causes International Conference, 2008. Singapore, November 2008.
Mindfulness: An emerging new model for psychotherapy. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Mind and its Potential. Sydney, Australia. November 2007.
Buddhism and psychotherapy: A symbiotic relationship. Paper presented at the 2006 International Congress of Psychotherapy & the Third International Conference of the Asian Federation of Psychotherapy. Tokyo, Japan. August 2006.
Medard Boss's dialogue with Heidegger, Freud, Sartre, Buddha, and Jung: On being authentic. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 113h Annual Convention. Washington, D.C. 2005.
Putting the P’s back into psychology: philosophy, people, personal growth. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 113th Annual Convention. Washington D.C. August 2005.
Dhamma in psychotherapy: augmenting cognitive-behavioural therapy with Buddhist philosophy. Paper presented at the 5th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Goteborg, Sweden, June 2005.
Dialogue with Heidegger, Freud, Sartre and Buddha: ”On being human. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 112th Annual Convention. Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2004.
Personal growth in and beyond therapy. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 112th Annual Convention. Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2004.
Buddhism and psychotherapy: Experiencing and releasing dis-ease. Paper presented at the 8th World Congress on Constructivism. Bari, Italy, June 2003.
Buddha, Being and the Black Forest. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 111th Annual Convention. Toronto, Canada, August 2003.
Minding the mind's business. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 111th Annual Convention. Toronto, Canada, August 2003.
The Buddha's influence in the therapy room. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 109th Annual Convention. San Francisco, August 2001.
Compassion and responsibility: Another view for the millennium. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 108th Annual Convention. Washington, August 2000.
Exploring responsibility in Buddhist psychology & existential analysis. Paper presented at the Buddhism & Psychotherapy Conference. Sydney, November 2000.
Coping with change: A Buddhist response. Award paper presented at the American Psychological Association 107th Annual Convention. Boston, August 1999 (for the Sidney M. Jourard Memorial Student Award).
Responsibility in Daseinsanalysis and Buddhist psychology: A comparative analysis. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 107th Annual Convention. Boston, August 1999.
Being-Responsible: Daseinsanalytic and Buddhist perspectives. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 106th Annual Convention. San Francisco. August 19