Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
Lao Tzu
Workshops & Talks
Healing Power of Books & Mental Health. Australian Psychological Society-Buddhist Psychology Interest Group (BPIG). 13 December, 2023.
What does it mean to be human? Hornsby RSL. 13 September 2023
Q & A on how the Buddha’s teachings help us to manage social and psychological issues. Unibuds. 30 June 2023.
Mindfulness and “Me first” generation: Cultivating responsibility, respect, trust, gratitude & compassion. Equal Ark, Singapore, June 2019.
Workshop on Buddhist and Existential-Humanistic Perspectives on Living and Dying: International Conference on Existential-Humanistic Psychology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2018.
Workshop on Therapy as a healing process: Being a mindful therapist. Mindfulness, Resilience Wellness Centre, Bond University, November 2015
Workshop on Managing Stress. Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law (ANZAPPL) November 2014.
Plenary Paper on Responsibility, Rights and Compassion: Another Perspective. Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law (ANZAPPL) November 2014.
Coroner's inquest into client's suicide. Dispute resolution and psychology biannual international conference. November 2014.
Workshop on Psychotherapy as a healing process: Therapy gifts from Heidegger and the Buddha. Centre for Existential Practice. November 2013.
Applications & benefits of mindfulness. Primary and Secondary Prevention of Chronic Disease: Emerging evidence Seminar (organised by the Australian Disease Management Association). October 2013.
The Buddha teaches an attitude, not an affiliation. University of New South Wales Buddhist Society. September 2013.
Understanding and managing stress: Applications for medical professionals. NSW Prevocational Medical Education Forum 2013 (organised by HETI). July 2013.
Understanding and managing stress: Applications for medical professionals. National Professional Training & Development Program for DCTs (CPMEC). May 2013.
Mindfulness & Therapy. Mindfulness, Science and Practice Conference 2013. March 2013.
DARE TO WRITE: The Reality of Practice in Psychology: Record Keeping, Ethics and Engagement with the Legal System. The Australian Psychological Society, Sydney Branch, August 2011.
Exploring Love, Compassion, Equanimity and Empathic Joy (Brahma-Viharas) and its Near and Far Enemies. Buddhist Library & Meditation Centre, Sydney. Public talk. May 2011.
Reflections of a Psychologist on the Coronial Inquest on Charmaine Dragun. The Australian Psychological Society, Sydney Branch. March 2011.
Understanding and Managing Stress Through Mindfulness. Google, Sydney. November 2010.
Workshop on Understanding & Applying Qualitative Research Methodologies to Mindfulness. 8th Annual International Scientific Conference for Clinicians, Researchers and Educators, Center for Mindfulness, Health & Society, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA, April 2010.
Managing Stress Through Mindfulness. Department of Family Medicine & Continuing Care, Singapore General Hospital & Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore. February 2010.
Workshop on Mindfulness & Managing Stress. Department of Family Medicine & Continuing Care, Singapore General Hospital & Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore. February 2010
Organiser: Special event - Australian Tour (Sydney) by Drs Jon-Kabat-Zinn & Saki Santorelli - 7 Day Professional MBSR Training Retreat: Dialogue at Westmead Hospital; and public talk, November 2009.
Workshop on Exploring Mindfulness Through Qualitative Research. 7th Annual International Scientific Conference for Clinicians, Researchers and Educators, Center for Mindfulness, Health & Society, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA, March 2009.
Stress is Manageable -Try Mindfulness. Google. Sydney, December 2008.
Workshop on Applications of Mindfulness to Health, Wellbeing, and stress-reduction. Happiness and Its Causes International Conference 2008. Singapore, November 2008.
Mindfulness: A Practical Tool for a Happier Life. Happiness and Its Causes International Conference 2008. Singapore, November 2008.
Workshop on Enhancing the Impact of Counselling Through Mindfulness. NSW Department of Education & Training, Western Sydney Region Counsellors Annual Conference, July 2008.
Mindfulness Meditation, Health and Stress Reduction. St George Hospital, Sydney, May 2008.
Workshop on Mindfulness and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. NSW Department of Education & Training, Western Sydney Region, December 2007.
Mindfulness: An emerging model for psychotherapy. Mind and its Potential 3rd Annual Conference. Sydney, November 2007.
The Benefits of Being Mindful. Manly-Waringah Division of General Practitioners, Sydney, August 2007.
Workshop on Therapy with an Eastern Flavour: Meditation & Mindfulness Practice. NSW Department of Education & Training, Northern Sydney Region, April 2007.
Workshop on meditation & Mindfulness Practice and its relevance to mental health. Sydney West Area Mental Health Services, February 2007.
Organiser: Special event- Australian Tour (Sydney & Melbourne) by Dr Jon-Kabat-Zinn--Public talks, Professional Training Workshops, November 2006.
Meditation, Mindfulness, and its relevance to psychotherapy. Institute of Australasian Psychiatrists Annual Conference, November 2006.
Workshop on therapeutic applications of tranquillity and mindfulness meditation. APS, NSW College of counselling psychologists, August 2006.
Living Buddhism Series: Linking the spiritual and the psychological in the Buddha's teachings. Joint presenter with Ven. Tejadhammo, February 2006.
Communications in the family. Buddhist Meditation centre & library, November 2005.
Jung and mid-life crisis. C.G. Jung Society, Armidale. October 2005.
Workshop on Meditation, mindfulness, and easier living. American Psychological Association (Humanistic Division 32). 113th Annual Convention of APA, Washington D.C., August 2005.
Workshop on Therapeutic interventions and its relationship to meditation and mindfulness practice. North Sydney Health Board, July 2005.
Communications in the family. Buddhist Gem Fellowship, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2005.
Qualitative research and its value for therapeutic interventions: Joint-workshop leader with Professor Scott Churchill. APS College of Counselling Psychologists, March 2005.
Clinical applications of meditation and mindfulness practice. Northern Sydney Health, December 2004.
Lifeskills. Singapore Students and Career Development Workshop sponsored by the Economic Development Board of Singapore, August 2002.
The Psychological benefits of meditation. Intervarsity Buddhist Convention, July 2002.
The Art of relating. Neighbour Aid Volunteers, Parramatta City Council, January 2002.
Weaving the threads between existential and Buddhist psychology. The Australasian Existential Society, March 2002.
Workshop on Mindfulness and responsibility. Buddhism & Psychotherapy Conference. November 2000.